Wednesday, April 7, 2010

last night..

quarrel with my sis..
cried badly..
my first step was worry bout my bro who now at taiwan..
i do not understand what had i done?
just worry..
& yet, he really told me his current situation..
but now it seem is my false..
blaming me for serious d prob.. T_T
im sad.. really sad..
cant hold me tears & it jus drop..
i try to help out d family..
i try to care the family..
no matter how tired, how hard..
i really try my best..
i never blame anybody o anyone..
but why i feel like im not belong to the family??
any prob, any burden i always have to share..
but when comes to me??
why they will always feel it is just nothing?
what i had did for the family is it too little?
i do not understand.. not understand..
i keep asking myself why? why? why?
i need just a little bit of caring, just a little bit of sharing..
but seem there is nobody understand..
only blaming....... :(

1 comment:

  1. hei nice blog thk for sharing,
    nice to meet u,
    wish all the best to u 6-^
