Monday, April 11, 2011


Getting busy & busy..
my cough getting serious & serious..
thanks for mummy being so caring..
thanks for grandma being so gan jiong..
thanks for ah yi buy me chinese cough medicine..
thanks for frendo purposely go find me better cough medicine..
thanks for pet po d guan xin.. :P
thanks for "称职的女朋友" d advice..
& thank you for your text..
thanks for all ppl d around me for being so concern..
really thank you so much..
i wish, i hope, i pray my cough will getting better before i leave to Penang..


  1. pet know my caring horrr :p

    pray for you lar, sick willll go away !!!
    pls go eat kuey zap !!! :p

    okay.. you call me then. :D
    pls book with ur another babi lim lar!
    he so busy..

  2. =="
    ya ya.. i do appreciate ma..

    not im alone going lo..
    have to ask others..
    dono Eugene they all wan eat o not?
    forgotten the road name.. ><

    i will let ur know by tml..
    if urs after class got free time walk to subang parade find me la.. ><

  3. me nw no class..
    in home ><

    u so boring meh??

    i know the road name :P
